Post a Review

Rules of engagement

  1. Write your review in plain English.
  2.  Use the business’/organisation’s full official name for example, I went to XY & Z limited (full address recommended but not mandatory – for example,  along A road, B building, 1st floor etc).
  3. DO NOT use foul language. Mteja Review reserves the right to reject complaints that use abusive or foul language.
  4. DO NOT post complaints on matters currently under litigation or any related arbitration.
  5. DO NOT post matters not related to the market place/ business.
  6. DO NOT post matters against an individual (unless the individual is the sole proprietor of the business entity).
  7. DO NOT post on matters relating to government services. This is a platform for private businesses and organisations.
  8. For your post to be approved, the ‘required fields’ must be filled. The personal information (i.e. email address, full names, etc) shall not be published in the public platform. Only your first name will be used. Mteja Review is committed to online privacy protection policies.


Use the form below to post a review about a company/organization.